Thanks for visiting A Gay and Magnificent Revel!

This world would not have been possible without the many wonderful free assets made available by the creators credited below, many of which I found through the excellent VRCPrefabs database. If you have any questions about the world (or anything, really), you can reach me at @plausiblyd on Twitter or at redhound#2272 on Discord.
A Gay and Magnificent Revel was inspired by Edgar Allan Poe’s description of the Prince Prospero’s imperial suite in The Masque of the Red Death.

Most of the structures, and much of the world’s furniture, are made using assets from the Floating Castles Asset Pack and The Devouring Asset Pack by Fionna.
The frescoes on the suite’s ceilings are images from the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s repository of public domain images at the Internet Archive. The floors and corridor ceilings use textures from

The torches and braziers are made using models from Modular Dungeon 2 by Fertile Soil Productions, and flame effects from Procedural fire by Hovl Studio and Flames of the Phoenix by Onpolyx.
The ambient music is Spires from Dark Fantasy Music Pack 1 by Griffin Silbey.

I also used a variety of assets from:
- The Big Castle Kit by Triplebrick
- Dark Fantasy Kit by Runemark Studio
- Clock by VIS Games
- Food Pack Mixed by Brain Fail Productions
- Free Little Games Asset Pack by Ferocious Industries
- Free Playing Cards Pack by Game Asset Studios
- Pirate Tavern by PollyPrivateers, and
- Interactive 3D Radio by Fractured Brain Studios
CyanLaser’s CyanEmu and 1’s VRWorld Toolkit were invaluable for testing and optimization.
I learned how to do lighting from Akalink’s and Xiexe’s excellent tutorials, and how to do toggle systems from Vowgan’s tutorial.
And finally, all my thanks are due to Fionna, for a great many things, but most relevantly for teaching me almost everything I know about VR.