Reflecting on a log

I’ve been tinkering around with my dormant web site lately, and in the process I’ve been running some analyses on my server logs. From this, I have learned a few things.

1) There will probably never come a day that the 5 Geek Social Fallacies are not the most requested page I have. Not only is it the most requested page, the next five most requested pages are those available when you jump up one level in the site hierarchy from 5GSF.

2) I should not process my server logs when I am feeling a little twitchy and low. Long threads of people having fun with the 5 Fallacies will bring me only a little joy, and the pompous asshole who speculates at length about my own social deficits will stay with me.

3) I never realized this fully until my work started finding larger audiences, but people really don’t read what you write. They read some sort of virtual text constructed from your title, a few fragments of your text, and whatever preconceptions may be stimulated by them. It’s sort of amazing watching people rant about your failure to consider things you explicitly addressed.

4) Dude, Mike Mearls is hating on the Collective. You don’t get to do that if you weren’t there. (He doesn’t even have his facts right.)

Originally published on LiveJournal